API Support
The article explains API support for Euro Pacific Trader (EPT)
Individuals and institutional clients can build their own trading applications, obtain market and chart data, and view EPT account details using our API solutions.
Supported languages
Java – Our most popular API technology
C++ (POSIX-compliant)
.NET (C#) - You can use the C# library with any .NET supported language
C++ (MFC)
ActiveX – Integrate our ActiveX control into other programs such as Excel and Matlab
DDE – Use our Excel sample application to get you started, or any DDE-aware program
We also let you use a demo account to back-test your setup and test trade ideas before going live. To request an EPT demo, please send us an email at sales@europacbank.com.
For institutional clients, please check out Interactive Brokers’ comprehensive API guide for institutions here.
Can I link other platforms to your liquidity pool?
Can I connect TradingView?
TradingView is not yet configured to use the Third Party Web API, which allows stock and forex trading via a RESTful web interface.
Last updated